Bok svima! Kao što ste mogli i vidjeti,Club Penguin je počeo snimati "spotove" s glazbom. Happy77 nam je najavila da će Club Penguin Music uskoro doći na iTunes. Evo što je rekla:
Greetings Penguins!
Greetings Penguins!
Happy77 here. Many of you have
asked for Club Penguin songs to download. Guess what? We're going to
release our very first song on iTunes later this month!
DJ Cadence starts the party with her debut single, "The Party Starts Now!" Here's a quick sneak preview from the music video...
Evo videa:
Let us know what you think!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Usput,ako bolje pogledate u 0:55 minuti možete vidjeti Herberta:
Nadam se da Vam se sviđa video!
~Mr Einstein4
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